05 August 2019
A new bronze medal from the United States Mint celebrates the founding of America's oldest maritime defenders.
On 4 August 1790, President George Washington’s signature on the Tariff Act authorised the building of ten ships to stop smugglers and enforce tariff and trade laws. Together the ships were known as the Revenue Cutter Service. In 1915, the service merged with the U.S. Life-Saving Service and was officially renamed the Coast Guard. In its 229-year history, the United States Coast Guard has protected the US at sea, as well as its ports and coastlines in times of war and peace.
The United States Mint’s 3 inch U.S. Coast Guard Bicentennial Bronze Medal features the painting “To the Rescue” by Anton Otto Fischer, depicting a 19th-century coast guard rescue boat battling stormy seas to aid a disabled vessel, representing the dangers that service people face when keeping coastlines safe. Lieutenant Commander Fischer painted the work of art in 1937 while on active duty in the Coast Guard Reserve.
Coin details
The words “GUARDIANS OF THE SEA” are inscribed upon a flowing banner across the top, and the words “200 YEARS OF SERVICE” are on the bottom.
On the reverse is the official Coast Guard seal – the shield of the Coat of Arms of the United States, the motto “SEMPER PARATUS,” or “always ready,” and “UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1790” superimposed upon two crossed anchors.
Obverse – Anton Otto Fischer
Reverse – U.S. Coast Guard
Order the coin from the US Mint website.
QUICK LINK: How tell if a coin is fake
(image copyright United States Mint)